Saturday, October 12, 2019


SOCIAL STUDIES Support Requests

Do you have a relationship with India, Peru, Tunisia, Ukraine or local Indigenous Tribes? 

Several classes (Ashby-Winters, Boshmann, Cooper and MacQueen) are currently putting together collections of artifacts of each of these populations to use with all four classes.

To give you an idea of artifacts we are looking for, Mrs. MacQueen has put together a Ukrainian Collection with the following items;

- folk tale book written in both English and Ukrainian (The Snow Grandparents -students act out)
-comic books in Ukrainian
-children book in Ukrainian
-traditional dancing costume pieces (headpiece, sash, beads, slippers)
-wooden beaded boxes
-pictures of children in traditional costumes from different regions of Ukraine
-pictures of traditional religious celebrations (Easter, Church Service, Wedding)
-pussy willows
-nesting dolls
-copy of the Ukrainian alphabet
-Ukrainian egg making kit

Really, anything that you think would enhance the learning of the culture and country. Please write a brief description of what the item is and it's cultural importance. We will return all items to you at the end of the school year. We will be sure to bag items carefully. If you wish to make any items donations, please mark your wishes on the bag that you send them in.

If you wish to send in traditional food or make a presentation for any one or all classes, please contact your child's individual teacher.

Thank you for your help!