

A home communication folder will be sent home everyday with your child.  This is for the sole purpose of allowing you the opportunity to insert notes, information being sent home and a means of having my e-mail address for communication purposes (email me anytime you have a question or concern). Please help your child set up a system where they take it out to show you after school but also ensure that it is in their backpack before they come to school the next day. Inside the folder their will also be a reading calendar that students will use to track the number of minutes they read each day of the month.

Home reading continues to be very important in grade 3.  We do not send books home with students but ask that all students read for at least 15 minutes a day.  Students will track their reading minutes on this calendar provided as a means to monitor their time spent reading and to set goals for each month.  We will also use this calendar to do some math with adding numbers and graphing at the end of each month as well.  The public library is a great place to get books for your child to enjoy reading at home.

Please have a look at the CBE policy regarding homework for Division 1 (grades 1-3):


Formal home assignments will not be made, however there are ways to support at home to help ensure students feel confident and successful in class.

  1. Ask, "What did you do today?"  and expect details. Explaining something to someone else helps build understanding, memory, and confidence.  Encourage your child to look deeper into a topic covered in class. 
  2. Read nightly, then discuss what was read. Students are moving from recognizing words to remembering and understanding what was read.  Try to ask questions not easily answered such as, "How might...", "Why do you think....", "If you were.....",  and of course "Why?". 
  3. Practice basic facts: pure memorization that is easily worked on at home.  We will be moving closer to a focus on addition and subtraction of large numbers.  If students know their basic facts it makes it easier to do higher computations.  It is an expectation by the end of grade 3 that students will know their basic multiplication facts up to 5x5, getting a head start on these facts can be very helpful.  Remember to limit this to no more than 5 - 10 minutes per night.  Stop if there is frustration.
  4. Explore measurement. Look around the house for things that are measured, or that measure other things.  (rulers, scales, teaspoons etc.)  Discuss what kinds of things can be measured and how to pick the best tool.  Try and use vocabulary such as metres, litres, kilometres, grams etc.  This will give your child a head start on what will be coming up!

Please check the Links section for future curricular connections to explore at home with your child. 

Accessing Google Docs From Home
All students are automatically provided with a Google account when registered with the CBE.  This provides them with their own unique e-mail address, as well as access to a variety of Google apps. We will be using Google Docs extensively this year to reduce paper, encourage collaboration with peers, differentiate based on student need and allow for a home-to-school connection on what students are learning about in the classroom.  You child should be able to use their school login information to access their work from home.  Please follow these steps to access their Google Docs: 

1.   From Google.ca, click the Sign In icon in the top right.
2. Type in the student e-mail address.  (This can be found on a sticker inside the Home Communication folder.)
3. The password is also found in the Home Communication folder, it is the same as their computer login password. 
4. Click the Apps button in the top right.  It should look like 9 small squares in a 3x3 grid.  Select Docs. (If it does not appear, you may have to select the More button at the bottom of the list.)

You should be able to see your child's documents.  Any work done at home can be shared with the classroom teacher by clicking the Share button in the top right of the document and entering our e-mail address.  Please note, the teacher e-mail address for sharing Docs is different than the teacher e-mail address for general communication. 

Mrs. Cooper's google e-mail:  cacooper@educbe.ca

Home Reading
Home Reading at Auburn Bay School
Becoming literate, and developing a love of reading is a goal many parents hold for their children.  Studies clearly indicate that parent or home involvement is key in reaching in this goal.  There are many components of developing literacy.  The following components can be well supported at home:
  1. Enjoy stories – read favorite books, funny books, animal books, whatever your child enjoys.  Make this an enjoyable time with your child.  Cuddle up in a chair and share a story. A variety of fiction and non-fiction are important.
  2. Develop comprehension strategies – ask questions while you are reading together.  “Why do you think that happened?” “What would you have done if you were in that situation?”
  3. Acquire vocabulary – chose books with rich and varied language.  Point out new words, talk about the words in the book and what they mean.  
  4. Accrue information – books are very informative!  “What did we learn from this book?”

Accessing reading resources is easier than it has ever been.  Choosing a variety of resources for your child supports them in learning print is everywhere and stories are everywhere!  To support families, we recommend:

  1.  Build a home library.  Book orders, garage sales, birthday presents… it’s always fun to get a new book or magazine!
  2. Calgary Public Library – all Calgarians are eligible for a free library card.  With this you can access electronic books or print media.
  3. Apps.  Epic! Is an amazing app to support home reading.  Try the one month free trial!
  4. Any other apps, websites or print media your child enjoys.

Additionally, please check your classroom Blogger website for agenda information or learning updates.  Teachers will provide home-school literacy links and connections updates for parents.