Sunday, March 1, 2020


READING: Please help your child to remember to return their February reading calendar.  The March calendar was handed out on Friday so your child should have one in their folder.  Daily home reading continues to be a very important for your child's growth in reading.  Please encourage your child to read for 15-20 minutes everyday and record it on the March calendar. I have been meeting with students one-one-one for reading assessments and the students are recording themselves reading and setting goals in IRIS. 

WRITING: Last week the students were using graphic organizers to write about various prompts that were provided to them.  One of the graphic organizers was used to support them in developing their ideas into paragraphs:
Topic Sentence:
Detail 1:
Detail 2:
Detail 3:
Closing Sentence:

MATH: The students have been using manipulatives to explore division.  They practiced putting a number of blocks into a know number of groups to find the number of blocks in each group.  They then practiced dividing the blocks into a known number in each group to find how many groups there are.  We will continue to work with both multiplication and division next week.  Students have also been working on daily thinking routines focusing on subtraction and numbers to 1000.

SCIENCE: We are continuing to explore hearing and sound with experiments.  The students practiced a simple experiment to discover how balloons can amplify sound.  Part of this first experiment was practicing how to write and record the hypothesis, materials, procedure and discoveries.  Next week, the students will rotate through centers to work in a small group doing various experiments.

SOCIAL: We continued our exploration of Ukraine and learned about the schools in Ukraine.  Students will continue to research and record their findings in their Visual Journal about schools in India, Peru and Tunisia.