Sunday, March 8, 2020

March 8 Learning Update

Language Arts: We are getting closer to the end of our read aloud Pages and Co.  As we are reading, students have been practicing synthesizing using their own schema with the information in the book to make inferences.  We have also been making many predictions and asking questions as we read the book.  Ask your child what book they would like to "book wonder" if they could.

It is very important that students continue to read at home every night for at least 15 minutes.  During and after reading ask your child what images they had in their head while reading, what predictions do they have for what will happen next and if their was any interesting vocabulary or new words. 

In writing, we have been doing a variety of graphic organizers to generate for opinion writing.  For each topic students wrote:
Opinion statement:
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Reason 3:
Closing sentence:
The students are participating in a letter writing activity that will use the opinion writing graphic organizer to generate ideas about the best name for a RCMP puppy that starts with an "N".  Please see the link below for further information about this writing activity.  Each student will write a letter and then I will submit them all the the RCMP.

Word Work: This week the students will be working with words with a hard 'c' and a soft 'c'

Math: We have continued to work on building our understanding of multiplication and division with problem solving and games.  The students also did several thinking routines for It is, It isn't which has been a great review of number concepts we have explored throughout the year.

Science: We completed our Science stations for the Hearing and Sound experiments. The students practiced being able to follow procedures and draw conclusions based on the results of the experiments.  Ask your child what their favorite experiment was and what they learned from it.

Social Studies: As a whole group, we watched videos and read books about schools in India and Peru to add to our chart in our visual journal.  Next week we will research and make jot notes about schools in Tunisia. 

Gym: Basketball