- Thank you for your continued support over the last couple months. As you are aware grade three is a big change with increased expectations and students have been working hard to meet these expectations.
- Christmas Concert updates will be posted on Mrs. Bourgeois’ Music blog. Actors were chosen and unfortunately there was more interest than spots available. Your child will let you know if they were picked for an actor role. As well, choir has been working extra hard preparing for the concert.
- Apologies for not getting the November calendar out to you at the beginning of the month. Please feel free to add in, to the best of your knowledge minutes for previous days.
Mathematics at a Glance
We are continuing to focus on place value, addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers, and regrouping. When ready we will move on to 3-digit. Please watch the following clips to demo using a number line and solving problems in multiple ways. This will support developing mental mathematical abilities (composing and decomposing).
We are continuing to focus on place value, addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers, and regrouping. When ready we will move on to 3-digit. Please watch the following clips to demo using a number line and solving problems in multiple ways. This will support developing mental mathematical abilities (composing and decomposing).
Problem Solving
Working through word problems is an important skill that we will continue to explore on a daily/weekly basis throughout the year. It is important for students to learn skills such as highlighting, looking for valuable information, assessing for operation and ensuring that they have solved the problem.
How to Support at Home
- any dice and card games to support acquisition of basic facts
- skip counting to support repeated addition leading into multiplication/division
Sites for Practice
Language Arts
- biographies
- emphasizing on summarizing important information in texts
- creating jot notes
- writing proper structured paragraphs (topic sentence, supporting sentences/ideas, concluding sentence)
- creating paragraphs from jot notes
- using story planners to create structured stories (characters, setting, problem and solution, three main events, rising action building to climax of the story)
- using graphic organizers to brainstorm and structure writing
Word Work Program – reinforces grammar, spelling rules, alphabetical order and basic sentence structure
Social Studies
Our pop-up event for Diwali was fun and packed full of learning! We have also had a pop up guest speaker, Donna Diaz who spoke about her travels in India. We will continue on until the winter break learning about India.
We are also learning about Universal Rights and Freedoms of children around the world. Some of our work has been around war times as well as learning about Indigenous perspectives and residential schooling.
We will continue completing our units of Building and Testing with a Variety of Materials. Students enjoyed creating and testing their skyscraper during their Skyscraper challenge. They were able to use their knowledge of the leaps of skyscraper building from their learning of the building of the Burj Khalifa. The next unit of study will be Hearing and Sound (end of December into January).
Health and Wellness
As classroom communities, we continue to learn how to support one another in meaningful ways. Opportunities for learning with an emphasis on working together in groups in order to be productive have been a priority. Students have also been focusing on acquiring skills in order to calm their bodies and be in their personal optimal learning zone.
Thank you for your continued support.