Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First Day of School September 3

It was very exciting to meet our class today!  We started our day reading First Day Jitters and we all enjoyed the surprise ending.  This was our first picture book that we read as part of our 180 day book challenge.  We will be reading a picture book everyday and keeping track of the books we have read and then choosing our favorite book at the end of each week.

The students participated in various getting to know you activities including Roll a Topic, Name Circle, and Math human Bingo.  We also did a quick tour of the school and took our class picture outside.  As a whole class we brainstormed for a word that describes our class and THOUGHTFUL was the word that the students voted for.  After reading Quick as a Cricket, the students choose a word that describes themselves and started to create word art to show the word.  

To start our afternoon I introduced the students to Mindful Practice and Zentangle which are activities that help relax our brains and body to get ready to learn.  

We also had our welcome back assembly this afternoon and a little time to go outside for a fresh air break. 

The students are bringing home their Home Communication folder.  This will come home every night and needs to be returned to school each day.  It is in a ziplock bag to help protect it so it will last the year.  Inside the folder is a calendar that the students can use to record the number of minutes they read at home each day.  Please help your child fill this out after reading each night and then return it to the folder.  

We are having an OPEN HOUSE on Thursday, September 5 from 5-6 to give students a chance to show their parents their classroom and to meet the teacher!