Monday, September 16, 2019

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences can be booked online for Thursday evening or Friday morning. The purpose of the September conferences is for parents to share information about their child with the teacher to support student success. Please book your conference time following the information below.  

In preparation for this conference, please consider both academic and social goals you may have for your child during the first term of Grade 3. 

How to Book a School Conference

  1. Log-in to MyCBE / PowerSchool (​).
    If you do not have an account, follow the Create a MyCBE Account​ instructions.
  2. Click on the My School Conferences icon.
  3. Click on the time slot that is available and convenient for you. Ensure pop-up windows are allowed.
  4. In the pop-up window, you will choose your child (you have the option to enter the student's name), the name of the parent / guardian is pre-filled, but can also be changed.​